Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I've been tagged with this questionnaire a couple of times now and it is a pretty fun one... so here goes! I have to admit I do love answering these and also reading the answers friends and family give.

Four random things I love about my husband :
1. He has never raised his voice.
2. He is affectionate and loving.
3. He plans most of our vacations.
4. He takes care of all my electronic "needs".

Four jobs I’ve had:
1. Lifeguard/ swim lesson teacher
2. Summer intern at Lockheed
3. Auditor at Deloitte
4. MOM - the most important!

Four movies I have watched more than once:
1. The Neverending Story (probably watched at least 24 times with my brother)
2. Tommy Boy (this one thanks to Gene)
3. A Walk to Remember
4. Blackhawk Down

Four TV shows I watch:
1. Grey’s Anatomy
2. So You Think You Can Dance
3. The Office
4. John & Katie Plus Eight

Four random places I have been:
1. The entrance of a "secret tunnel" in Hawaii (though I didn't go through it because I was about to throw up by the time we trekked through miles of mud for four hours to get to the entrance...)
2. An airplane named "Duct Tape" which I then jumped out of
3. A very strange nightclub in London, in a building that used to be a chapel
4. The Mavericks locker room at American Airlines Center

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Chicken fajitas from Pappasitos
2. Coffee Ice Cream
3. Good fresh guacamole
4. Fancy salads with gorgonzola cheese, apples, nuts, etc.

Four places I would like to visit:
1. Alaska
Mt. Kilimanjaro (climb it on an REI adventure trip, followed by African safari)
3. Italy
4. Hike the
Kalalau Trail in Kauai (a 3-5 day backpacking trip)

Four things I am looking forward to in the coming year:
1. Cruise to Caribbean with my family
2. Aggieland weekend getaways with my husband (and good football too)
3. Katelynn getting potty trained (not the process, but the result)
4. Taking Katelynn to the pumpkin patch again

Four people I tag:

1. Mom (add it to your one-post blog!)
2. Dad
3. Jen
4. Griff


  1. Is there something I don't know about Griff? I hope he won't be able to answer "four things I love about my husband."

  2. And something you don't know about dad?!

  3. I didn’t know you jumped out of a plane!
