Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Camp Nanna & PopPop ("NNPP")

Earlier in May, Gene and I escaped for a fabulous babymoon and KK stayed at Camp NNPP for a whopping 11 nights. It was hard to leave her for that long, but I am so lucky to have parents I can trust so completely with my kiddo... and while they create many special memories with her they really don't spoil her rotten. Of course she does get a lot more adult attention than she does on a day-to-day basis here at home, but she also has to follow rules and a schedule, behave properly, and eat her broccoli. In fact she eats much more than broccoli since my parents eat a remarkably healthy diet. Her palette expands with every trip to Camp NNPP.

Nanna created the pictured chart for her, which really helped give her a visual picture of when mommy and daddy were coming home and to allay any fears she might develop during the trip. It must have worked because she didn't have any meltdowns over missing mommy and daddy. Every night at bedtime they put a sticker on it at bedtime. This also seemed to have the added positive side effect of causing her to think she couldn't get out of bed at night which was helpful for her Nanna!
So I must publicly thank my parents for allowing our little bundle of energy to interrupt their lives for a week and a half. Our babymoon wouldn't have been possible without you!