Our little girl struggles with "trying" sometimes - she doesn't like to do things unless she can do them perfectly the first time. As a mommy I do worry about her in this regard; I would like her to be a bit more of a free spirit sometimes that samples and dabbles in life. Maybe this is because I am not much of a free spirit and sometimes think I would be able to relax and enjoy life a little more if I were!
Recently I realized this has not been occurring - she has been doing shoes by herself - and getting the shoes on the correct feet! Something must have just "clicked" in her brain. It's funny how milestones work that way most of the time. We can encourage and teach them, but eventually things just have to come together on their own for our kiddos.
Next up...tying shoes!
Be sure to teach her the correct way to tie her shoes, so she doesn't end up like Nanna, finding out at age 60 that I've been tying them incorrectly my whole life! Mine never come undone anymore, since I learned the right way.