About once a month, LBJ Highway is a complete disaster and Gene takes back roads all the way home from work. When this happens, I often get a phone call that goes something like this:
Gene: "I'm taking back roads home...want me to stop there?"
Katie: "Yes."
Gene: "I wish the calories weren't so high."
Katie: "I don't care. My weight never changes. Stop and get them."
Gene: "I wish it wasn't so expensive to buy a small amount."
Katie: "It's a rip off. Get a dozen."
By now you may have figured out we are talking about cookies (as if the picture didn't give it away). Very, very decadent cookies. From Paradise Bakery. These things are amazing. Gene's favorites are chocolate chip sprinkled with toasted coconut. My favorite is a toss-up - chocolate chip walnut or oatmeal raisin. And since we have a strange 5-year old that does not like cookies, we have 6 apiece to ourselves....or maybe that is a curse. We made the mistake of looking up the calories one time. About 300 big ones for one chocolate chip cookie.
Nope - so worth it. I'll just run 5 extra miles this week.
Your weight never changes AND you have a five year old who doesn't like cookies all in the same blog. Life isn't fair!