Saturday, May 31, 2008

At What Age Do You....

...stop saying your child's age in months?

I think that once Katelynn hits two years old I will say "she is two", then "two and a half"...etc. Heck in the next few months I may even switch to "almost two."

I have had people tell me their child is 28 months, or 32 months... but I find that a bit confusing. Too much addition in my head. ;-)

What do my dear readers think?


  1. The last "month" designation I remember using for you was 19 months, but that's because that was how old you were when Griff was born. After that we probably went to half year designations, or things like, "she was (will be) two in January."

  2. I found myself telling people this weekend "He will be 2 in August." I had been saying 21 months to some people, and to others "almost 2". I think at 2 I will most likely stop the months thing. We'll see. (:

  3. We went to the "nearly" designation not that long after the 18 month mark.
