Friday, July 17, 2009

Confessions of a Desperate Mom

I should really be ashamed to admit this in writing... but here goes. I mean, it's only the internet...

Katelynn blows away Oscar the Grouch when she wakes from a nap. She immediately comes out to the hallway/landing area upstairs and cries, whines, and begs to come downstairs - so that she can cry and whine within a much closer vicinity of mommy. It's just a miserable time of day with her. And she can locate me anywhere, the little eagle eye. So what's a mommy to do?

I hide out.

I use the first 1 to 1.5 hours of her nap to do things in the kitchen and living room. Then I make a disappearing act to my bedroom. I put laundry away, clean my bathroom, or - as I am doing now - blog! Then, when the grouch awakens she can have 15 minutes to herself to get into a better mood.

As I write this I hear the whining of "Mommy, mommmmmmy, mommmmmmmmmy..." It's been 15 minutes and she is still a grouch. Duty calls....

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh – sometimes I wish we had a bigger house – primarily just for this! :-)
