Sunday, September 5, 2010

Tyler John

Our Tyler John finally made his entrance a couple of weeks ago! Since then, I have been enjoying life as "mom of 2" but it has been crazy - very little time for blogging! The highlights of little Tyler's entrance to the world and his life thus far:
  • Labor was about the same length as Katelynn’s but I would have to rate it worse on the pain scale. Overall though – can’t complain about a 5 hour labor and a healthy baby at the end of it!
  • He weighed in at 7 pounds 11 ounces, a bit less than his sis who weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces. Since I gained about 5 pounds more with this pregnancy I guess that means I just get to KEEP all that extra weight for a bit!
  • First night home from the hospital resulted in a trip to the Children's ER since Tyler thought it would be ok to skip peeing for 12 hours! Scary and exhausting night. 2 ounces of formula and we had a big wet diaper within 15 minutes. Hmmm did we really need an ER doc to think of that?!
  • He is generally a calm little guy, at least compared to how his big sister was as a baby. THANK YOU GOD!
  • We can't decide whether he resembles his big sis much or not yet. He seems to have his own look. Time will tell. In other news, big sister is doing great - which needs its own blog post another time.
  • Overall I forgot how much I do love this "newborn phase." I truly don't mind the constant feeding, though I would like a little more sleep. I spend a lot of time admiring my sweet little guy. I am once again amazed how much I could love someone just minutes after meeting him!

And now, on with a few pictures...

Early labor - getting kisses from sweet KK, so excited to become a big sister. (You know it's early because I am still smiling and my hair is not soaking wet!)

Immediately after birth - with my fabulous OB, Dr. Jacoby.

With my sweet hubby.

Introducing our adorable little man...

Look ma! I can open my eyes! Just please don't give me a bath ever again!

1 comment:

  1. congratulations again! We were out of town since the 3rd and I'm so glad to see your pictures now. Before you know it you'll be an old pro at two and I can only imagine that KK is loving being a big sister!
