Thursday, February 3, 2011

To Infinity and Beyond

Katelynn certainly does loooove her preschool this year. No more hanging onto my leg or tears, which still popped up sometimes last year. She practically runs in the building now, and starting in January we even moved from 2 to 3 days per week since KK seemed unbelievably bored at home with mommy and Tyler on Wednesdays.

It is fun to watch your child learn! (No one ever told me this... but maybe it would have seemed silly if someone had before I was a parent. Being a parent can be so unexpectedly fabulous sometimes.) I so enjoy seeing her enthusiasm for learning more about this great big world in which she is growing up. This year there has been a learning explosion. Not long ago, KK suddenly began writing random letters on paper and running to me to show them to me. She can write her name with help and her coloring skills seemed to improve dramatically almost over night. She understands that learning all the letters is the key to being able to read her beloved books on her own one day and this seems to serve as a huge motivator for her.

Last week was "Space Week" and I have never seen the girl so excited. She talked all week long about space, space, space. She complained that she didn't own any books about planets. She told me to make a list of things to bring to preschool: lunch, backpack, space suit, space helmet. (Heehee.) On Thursday she got to take a "trip" to the moon with her class and she was about to split her pants she was so excited. I showed her videos on youtube of Space Shuttle launches and I must admit I felt a tingle of excitement myself. She even hung with a video about black holes for longer than I could, complete with scientists lecturing about electrons and forces and other such heady topics.

I was definitely a nerd growing up and a lover of formal schooling, so it warms this mama's heart to see my daugher following in my footsteps.

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