Thursday, December 2, 2010

Yep, It's Happening....

I am turning into my mother.

Growing up it never failed. Every year, my mom would bust out with a random gift for us kids in the middle of the summer, that she meant to give us at Christmas but then "forgot where she put it." Then she would stumble across said gift in the middle of a big closet clean-out.

Not that I minded a mid-year random gift, but organized, anal me wondered in confusion - "How could this possibly occur?" To me it seemed as easy as picking one spot for gifts and putting everything there.

OK, now I'm a mom too and my kid is 4 and fully understands the concept of gift receiving and believes wholeheartedly in Santa Claus. I am rushing to hide gifts when the 4-year old won't notice. I am trying to find spots in my cramped closets and drawers where her little eagle eyes won't notice. (The girl is good at spotting things.) I am diverted from tasks every 35 seconds by little people. And suddenly, things are hidden in 6 spots and I only remember 3 of them. A few evenings ago I thought I was going crazy, trying to find some missing gifts. I had myself convinced that I had thrown them in the trash on accident. Then I remembered in the middle of the night, and of course I had to get up then to verify immediately whether they were there. Yep, they were. (Like I really need to be doing this with an unpredictable newborn sleeping upstairs...) Sigh of relief and kick-in-the-pants all at once!

I get it now, Nanna!


  1. Nanna is ROFL, as they say. And hoping she lives long enough for you to have many more revelations. I promise there are lots to come!

  2. I didn't need to have a child to have this happen to me. Oh my - what is going to happen to me now?! :)
