Friday, January 15, 2010

Doctors and Dentists and Haircuts - OH MY!

KK seemed to hit a milestone around her 3rd birthday. She decided she loved the doctor's office and did fabulous at her 3 year well check. So I got a little brave.

A couple of weeks ago, I took her to a regular haircut place without all the coddling, kids' tv shows, etc. KK expects things to be the same every time and has the memory of an elephant, so I was a little nervous. I explained to her that this haircut place was different and that there wouldn't be TV or candy, but that mommy would bring a lollipop for her to eat afterward. Her stylist was....well, pretty severe, pushing KK's head this way and that and constantly reminding her to "Hold Still!" Perhaps this was better, however; Katelynn listened to everything that lady said without so much as a tear or fuss!

So I got braver. I made the first dentist appointment at a regular dentist. We don't have dental insurance right now so I sure wasn't going to drop a bunch of money on a pediatric dentist only to have her refuse to open her mouth. We went with the economy dentist. Once again, Katelynn did amazing. She wanted to lay down on mommy, so I laid in the chair and KK laid right on top of me. She let them do a full cleaning and followed every command. She was thrilled about her bag of dental goodies and carried it around all afternoon.

I guess she is growing up... it's a mix of sadness and happiness all at once.

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