Tuesday, March 8, 2011

6 Months?!

I truly cannot believe my little guy has passed the 6 month mark already. While caring for two kids has made my life truly crazy, he and his sister certainly bring joy to my heart every day.

TyTy is a champion napper... sing a quick song, put him down awake, and leave! He takes 3 naps a day which makes it hard to get out and about so sometimes I feel like Katelynn is really getting the shaft these days on outings and fun events with mommy. Sometimes I can get away with doing one of the naps in the car, but he will only fall asleep if it is a long car trip - so it doesn't work for errands around town. I just end up with a crabby baby that way.

It is amazing how much can change with a baby in two weeks. A little over two weeks ago he was still being swaddled and seemed to need it to settle at night. I had tried to stop previously - maybe around 5 months - and the result was 4 brutal nights with no signs of improvement each night. So we went back to the swaddle, then suddenly he decided he was over it and rolled himself onto his face one night. A little scary - poor little guy laying on his face like a little bound-up sausage crying - but a clear sign that the swaddling was done which was somewhat of a relief. Then he adjusted quickly to his new freedom and it wasn't nearly the trauma it was the first time I tried to stop. Within a week he was rolling all around his crib, playing with toys when he woke up, etc. And he started putting himself on his tummy to sleep - a big surprise since he has always cried his way through tummy time! He is doing a lot better at nights now too - generally making it to at least 6:30 am without night crying.

Same thing with solids. He rejected the first three foods I tried - lots of crying and spitting out of food. Then I finally found something he would tolerate but it took 4 days to get through one jar of food. Then suddenly things clicked and within a few days he was eating 2 to 3 jars of food per day - a major relief since he unfortunately got billed as UNDERWEIGHT at his 6 month well check.

Tyler is generally just a happy little guy. He does like to be held and carried but he doesn't get nearly as upset about things as another baby I raised - who shall remain nameless - once did. He loves to be entertained by his sister. He studies new people and gets a bit of a concerned look, especially if said new person is holding him. (So we will see how the first trip to the church nursery goes next week!) He loves to be tickled and then I get to revel in the sound of that wonderful baby laugh.

I am one blessed mommy to have my wonderful little girl, and now a sweet little guy to raise too. I try to take some time each day to just take it all in because I know this time will be gone in the blink of an eye. I have been married nearly 13 years and it has gone so fast... now it's going faster and in another 13 years I will have two teenagers who are well on their way out of the house. Sniff, sniff!

1 comment:

  1. he's a cutie! I'm so glad to hear your world is smoothing out. It is bittersweet as they grow, isn't it? some things get easier and others get tougher. Then there is that darn clock that just keeps turning around and around. Can you believe Anna is a few weeks from turning 11?!
