Friday, April 1, 2011

The Bottomless Pit

The subject: One adorable 7 month old, almost 16 pound baby boy billed as "underweight" at the pediatrician's office (much to his mommy's dismay) The daily intake: Approximately 6 jars of baby food, usually with rice cereal/ oatmeal added, for a total of 36 total ounces of food per day. Plus nursing 4x per day for around 20 total ounces of milk. The cost: This baby food is organic and actually tastes good, so it comes in around 60 to 75 cents per jar. This kid is currently costing us about $125 per month in baby food alone! Of course he is worth it, but... wow! Concluding thoughts: So, picture a cup the size of a Big Gulp filled with baby food, all going into one tiny little creature over the course of a day. Then picture a big coke bottle filled with milk going into same baby. It's unbelievable to me! He has been eating this way for nearly a month... how is it possible he is still only the 5th percentile for weight?!


  1. make your own baby food! It is SO easy. I usually steamed whatever my second two ate or just mashed our regular meals (without the spices). sometimes, when I felt ambitious, I'd make a bunch, freeze it in little ice cube trays and pop them into freezer bags. Then i just had to take out that days food in the morning, put it in the fridge and we were good to go. It warms up nicely in a small bowl of warm water, in a ziplock, if I was in a hurry and they were still frozen. One sweet potato would go for several meals and cost pennies, for example.

  2. I totally agree! Making your own is so easy. We have never bought any food for Jude. We make everything organic and it saves a ton! Jude is a bottomless pit too, and we don't even notice his food cost in our grocery bill.
