Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Yes, apparently I am a dealer now.  A tea dealer, that is. 

Most anyone who has been to our home has been offered our favorite Ibis Moon mango tea.  We always keep a large batch on hand - an embarrassingly large batch in fact:

This is the same tea served at Tin Star, La Madeleine, Paradise Bakery and Mi Chulas - so you may have tried it.  Yes, we keep track of the fine restaurants that carry this product.  We used to frequent Tin Star primarily for our tea fix, and finally Gene thought to look at the name of it and write it down.  Our friend google directed us to Royal Cup Coffee.  The catch?  You must purchase 24 large bags full of loose leaves at about $50 total for the order.  This didn't stop us - enter Mr. Coffee Iced Tea Maker and a coffee filter to hold the loose leaves...plus a ding to our monthly grocery budget a couple of times a year. 

Over time, various friends have asked about the tea and want to get "in" on our bulk purchase.  I have sold half of my last two purchases to my friends Mary and Sally.  I've been a good dealer and sold at cost.... at least until they are addicted like us.... Bwahahahahahaha.....

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