Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Mommy Blanket

Gene has his soft, cotton comforter that he purchased for his freshman year of college. We both love it and fight over it, but Gene usually wins since he was the original owner. "What's yours is mine" does not seem to apply to blankets.

We did have two great, super soft thin fleece blankets, though. Until Katelynn took them over. They are now six small blankets, and KK refuses to share so much as a 1 inch square of them.

I recently decided I was sick of being the person without a fabulous snuggly blanket and made a trip to the department store. Luckily for me, there was a big white sale. I got an amazing, queen size, fluffy fleece blanket. Every night, I get wrapped up in it and luxuriate in its coziness.

And I gloat to Gene.

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