Sunday, April 19, 2009


Well, the days after my last dismal post were much better. KK continues to be a handful, but I have been much better able to focus on her strengths and deal with the weaknesses as they come!

Just the next day I took her to the park and laughed as she rounded up several new friends, loudly calling them all "Sister" until she knew their names. (She picked this up from one of her Sunday School teachers and it cracks me up!) She is a very social little girl and it is fun to see her interact with other kids. She will grab someone's hand and enthusiastically say "Come on!" as she herds them to her activity of choice.

Yesterday we went to the mall, which she loves because she gets to ride the carousel and play at the lego table in Carter's. At Carter's she played nicely with the other kids, and talked one of them into giving her a huge balloon toy. She proceeded to flirt with the checker and "beat" him playfully with the balloon. Then at the carousel, I had a big discussion with her about how we were only going to ride it once, and she could not cry or throw a fit when we had to get off. When the horses came to a stop, an inkling of a tantrum appeared. I told her that she would never get to ride again if she threw a fit, and she stopped. Thank God for small favors!
And thanks also to all my friends who check in on the blog and leave such encouraging comments!

1 comment:

  1. I had a friend just this morning share in bible study how she has been so encouraged in parenting just by focusing on the blessings instead of the difficulties. We can never go wrong when we look for the good! I'm so glad things are a little better lately!
