Monday, April 6, 2009

Product Plug

For the most part, kitchen gadgets sit in my drawers un-used. There is usually not a substitute for a great set of knives. However I found one gadget that I use all the time. It's the "As Seen on TV" Vidalia chop wizard. It cuts onions plus all sorts of other things (fruits, potatoes, bell peppers, tomotoes....) so quickly and into very small cubes, which I love! Especially handy given all the chopping and cutting I do for a toddler on a daily basis.

The instructions recommend cutting larger pieces in halves or quarters and this helps. I usually cut onions into 3 or 4 smaller sections first. Then... super easy clean-up. It's 3 pieces that drop easily into my dishwasher. The blade panels pop in and out with no complicated parts. Mine also came with two types of blades. One does small cubes and one does tiny cubes. I alternate depending on my mood.
The only negative I can think of is that it makes such a loud popping noise upon impact that I often trigger the "glass break" alarm in our house! (It's just a quick beep-beep as long as the alarm is not armed.) I love this product!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I've always wondered if that really worked or not!
