Wednesday, August 18, 2010


The anticipation of waiting for Tyler, a.k.a. LittlePeanut2/ LP2, to arrive has been intense this time around, even for my even-keel husband. I have been shocked how many times Gene has made comments wondering when LP2 will make his debut and wishing that we could know when it will be. I'm not sure why; we don't remember thinking too much about it when I was pregnant the first time.

The past few days I have been a nesting fool, despite extreme fatigue and back pain. I have felt compelled to keep up with the laundry almost daily. The house has been relatively spotless, especially the floors which I often ignore when I'm not 9 months pregnant. And yesterday I felt strongly that having the somewhat pricey "Interior Super Clean" package at the car wash was an absolute life-or-death necessity. Oh, and I also labeled all my shoes, which are in matching clear bins, with my label maker ....and organized Katelynn's drawers.... and re-organized the laundry room. You get the idea!

Well, last night some of those late "impending labor" signs started making their appearance. (Go read a pregnancy book if you are curious enough to wonder what those are.... I'm not sharing details here on the blog!) So, that explains the nesting. Hopefully my next post will be one welcoming our little boy into our hearts and home! Today is my official "due date". Katelynn arrived on hers, so maybe we will make it 2-for-2 ???


  1. I read your facebook post this AM - I hope today is the day for you and little Tyler. We'll be praying for you and look forward to the great announcement!
