Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It Only Took An Elf....

Jingle awaits his first night of mischief in the Kim home... break my 2+ month blogging hiatus??

I guess we will see.  Lately I just haven't been feeling the blog thing.  It seems like one more "to do" on a big, long stressful list... writing is normally enjoyable for me but it can also feel like work when I'm trying to make it read somewhat decently for my vast audience (ok, so all 3 of you).  So I just decided not to do it for awhile.  But today our "Elf on the Shelf" arrived in the mail and the whole experience has screamed "Blog me!" 

I had no idea what an Elf on the Shelf was till this year.  I will chalk this new (to me) discovery up to our friend the Internet, and Pinterest.  It seemed like suddenly I was seeing pictures of this happy little elf doing all sorts of silly things in peoples' homes.  The basic jist:  your elf is keeping an eye on your kids and flies to the North Pole every night to report in to Santa. He doesn't move except when the little ones are fast asleep.  When the kids wake up in the morning, the first thing they do is see what their elf has been up to. 

So for $30 on Amazon Marketplace we got our little elf and the nice book that comes with him.  Seemed a little steep to me, but - let me tell you- I have one smitten 5 year old.  I think it is going to be way more than $30 worth of fun for both of us!  This is right up this mommy's alley.  KK has already named him Jingle and is taking all the "rules" laid out by the book very seriously.  (She can't touch him... he can't talk but is observing her...etc.)  She has talked about nothing else all evening!  She even said at one point:  "Mommy, he's eyeing me!" does kinda' feel like his eyes follow you around the room...a little spooky actually.  And thanks to the Internet, I don't have to come up with too many ideas on my own, just enjoy the fun of making them happen.  I can already pick from a vast list.... should Jingle be fishing for goldfish crackers?  Decorating cookies?  Making snow angels in rice?  Hmmmm....what to do first?  I can't wait for her to fall asleep! 

More blogs later with some of Jingle's antics...


  1. He looks like the little elves that my Great Aunt used to put on her tree! His arms were connected (like clasped fingers) and then his knees would tuck up under him. He pretty much posed any which way. He always wore either red/white or green/white striped pajamas.

    I read about him earlier in the season and asked your Mom if you had one - she wasn't sure. It just sounds like tons of fun. What a memory and tradition your kids will have for many years to come!


  2. Pam, yes his arms are connected too! I like how he looks kinda' old-fashioned.
