Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Thankful 2011

I am so thankful for many things this holiday season.  A beautiful and smart little 5 year old girl who loves to learn and loves to sing songs about God.  Getting to enjoy her first choir performance at church.  Baking gingerbread cookies with her in our beautiful aprons handmade by Nanna.  Watching Christmas be truly magical for her.  Her ability to control the frequency and intensity of tantrums improves every day.  She lavishes so much love on her mommy and daddy and wants to spend every minute with us.

A skinny cutie pie 1 year old boy who speaks so enthusiastically in his own baby language.  The adorable way he rolls his r's!  His sweet hugs and snuggles reserved primarily just for mommy.  His enjoyment of dancing, climbing, log-rolling on the floor, running, trying to jump, and anything else physical. 

A husband who works hard to take care of his family and who lavishes lots of love on us.  Who takes good care of himself and makes me proud every day with his discipline.  Who knows me inside and out - the good, bad and ugly - yet still wants to hug me every night!

This blog post could go on forever...about parents, brother, sister-in-law, miracle niece, friends, ability to travel and do lots of fun things, good jobs.... I am blessed beyond belief.  Thank you God for an amazing 2011. 

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