Friday, March 20, 2009

KK's Placemat

As I wrote the title of this post, I realized it might be a bit of a misnomer. Perhaps it should be titled "Silly Perfectionism." Or maybe "Mommy's Anal Retentive Attention to Detail When it Comes to School Projects of Any Sort."

A few weeks ago, I received a note from Katelynn's preschool that I should send ten pictures of her favorite foods the next week, which would be used to make a placemat. The note suggested that pictures could be clipped from magazines or that we could send pictures of our child eating some of the favorite foods.

I have been a lover of "projects" since about... well, birth probably. The annual Science Fair was always one of the big highlights of the year. I also want my projects to look good. So I knew I would not be satisfied with magazine cut-outs. I googled "Free High Resolution Food Pictures" and the world wide web did not disappoint. I found so many beautiful food pictures all for the taking! I had them printed up at the local Walgreens.

The results are below. In case you are wondering, Katelynn's placemat was the best in the class and mommy shamefully admits she felt a little smug about it...


  1. Wow! I'm afraid to see what's coming when you are "helping" KK with her homework. I hope she is as enthusiastic about it as you were. If she is more like your brother was, there's going to be a whole lot of "weeping and gnashing of teeth."

  2. Cute idea and great placemat! I'm impressed that one of her favorite foods is broccoli! If I did a placemat of Hayden's 10 favorite foods, probably half of them would be various types of crackers. ):
