Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sibling Moments

I continue to be soooo thankful for Katelynn's overall wonderful adjustment to siblinghood. There have, however, been a couple of noteworthy, funny moments worth documenting...

Moment #1
Katelynn picked out a very girly, dainty ladybug costume for Halloween. It is actually more like a "ladybug fairy" because it is a frilly little dress - red satin with black polka dots - and antennae and velcro-on wings. She has been obsessed with wearing it around the house. She had it on the other day and I was getting after her about keeping it nice, not getting it ripped before Halloween, not eating in it, etcetera. I was being the nagging mom.

In the meantime, I changed baby boy's diaper and was walking back into the living room with him. KK was sitting on the ottoman and I brought Tyler over to her, intending to make him "talk" and "dance" for her and give her kisses. Next thing you know, Katelynn was covered in Tyler spit-up, including her ladybug dress. The boy had barely urped a teaspoon up until this point and now big sister was doused in the slimy mess.

Poor thing just sat there frozen for a second, then said in astonishment "Baby Tyler threw up on me!" I told her sit still and made a mad dash for a wet rag. She was so good - she just sat there looking a little wide-eyed until I got her cleaned up, and she never even acted resentful about the whole thing. Not even one tear! Wet rag + Febreze saved my rear and I thankfully don't have to buy a second costume!

Moment #2
Tyler has had some fussy days, as most newborns do. I think their poor little digestive systems are just so immature. One day last week he had been crying a lot. Mommy was frazzled and I think it was even getting on Katelynn's nerves. I was complaining to KK a lot about her fussy brother.

Toward the end of the day she asked me if he could go back into my tummy. I told her that was not possible. She then informed me: "Jesus is in my heart and he will have Tyler go back into your tummy if I ask him to."
Ahhh the faith of little children!

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