Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Puppet Show

On Monday I took KK to her first "live event" - a puppet show at the arts center in our town. It was really her first time to sit through any sort of event that requires a certain amount of quietness since we have not yet attempted a movie with her. (She has only sat through one movie at home, so I'm not ready to chance it yet....)

The puppet show was put on by the Dallas Puppet Theater, which for this event consisted of two middle-aged men that I assume are full time actors and/or puppeteers. They were quite talented, but talk about a somewhat thankless job - putting on a show in a tiny community theater for about 20 pre-schoolers on a Monday morning! Then again, kids are a pretty accepting and non-critical audience. They threw in some decent humor for all the mommies there too.

I personally found the puppets a bit creepy. They were those traditional large puppets that are manipulated by strings. KK however seemed to thorougly enjoy it. The show was Cinderella. KK did great. She sat silently nearly the whole time; the only time she spoke was to ask "where the puppets went" in between scenes. At the end the kids could go "meet" the wicked stepmother puppet; KK wanted to go but brought mommy with her. She lurked close by but wasn't interested in touching her.

All in all I rank it as a success!

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