Saturday, July 3, 2010

Pregnancy and the Charley Horse

I knew that reporting an easy pregnancy was going to jinx me somehow! This week, the middle-of-the-night charley horse made its first appearance. Ugh. I am hoping this does not become a frequent event. This also got me to thinking about the cruel irony of the charley horse during pregnancy:

1. It is a muscle cramp - your leg muscle seizing up - and so it's an accurate pre-cursor to the contraction pain of labor and delivery. Charley horses can be soooo painful and yet it's almost a little tease - "You think this is bad? Just wait!"

2. The easiest way to relieve a charley horse is to grab the ends of your toes and get a deep stretch. Oh, except you are 30-something weeks pregnant with a huge belly and 20 pounds of extra weight in one spot. This is rather awkward, people. So, one finds oneself writhing aroud in bed in pain, trying desperately to reach one's toes over the big belly.

3. Sleep is so precious these days and it's getting harder to stay comfortable. Another source of waking is the last thing a pregnant lady needs!

Oh charley horse, I know you are "normal" during pregnancy. But I don't want normal again.

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