Friday, April 18, 2008

Childhood Memories

Last night, I was flipping through the guide on the TV and one of the movies caught my eye... "The Neverending Story". 1984. The FIRST movie my brother Griff and I ever watched at home on a VCR! (Oh my, I am clearly dating myself.) I think we watched it at least a dozen times. I flipped to it and set myself up to be disappointed, as I figured the special effects would be laughable now.

Well, the special effects obviously were dated. But really, I was pretty impressed. That movie was pretty good! I guess that's why we had the wisdom to watch it a dozen times or more. (That and "Rad". OK, maybe that doesn't say too much about our wisdom in movies.)

1 comment:

  1. I remember this movie too and I LOVED it!! I actually found it on DVD in a discount rack and bought it. :-) Did you know that there’s a part 2? That one isn’t nearly as good, probably because I never remember seeing it as a kiddo.
