Saturday, April 26, 2008

Terrible Two's Already ??

We have noticed a recent trend that has rapidly developed over the past two months or so. Our little Katelynn has turned into a full fledged toddler with an iron will. She was a difficult baby too, but this is different. This has turned into clear and direct disobedience of mommy and daddy, with major tantrums if she doesn't get her way. Last week she threw herself down in the middle of the mall when she didn't want to go into the store I chose. It was quite a moment for me as a parent.

We're reading up on child development books focused on discipline! We definitely need a plan with this one.


  1. Uhh – ohh. The fun begins . . .
    So far Caedyn hasn’t started this. She does know what “no-no” means, but “forgets” after about 15 seconds . . . I know we have a strong willed one on our hands too.

  2. Let me know what you find out or any books you recommend! Our little sweet Hayden has developed a will of his own too and isn't afraid to let you know when he isn't happy. I guess it's the "terrible 1 and a half"!

  3. Don't worry...we are there right with you! Hannah does the same thing! Matt and I are at a loss some times! Goodness!
