Monday, October 13, 2008

Nanna Observations Part 1

It has been 10 days (or more?) since I have written a post. I have had blogger's block. Plus my kid has just been wearing me out more than anything else! I've just been tired mommy, out of fun material. But, KK spent the weekend with Nanna who has now provided new material for me.

Nanna made an interesting observation about KK's vocabulary. She has learned an extraordinary amount of words relating to her desire to "attain" an object of some sort (e.g. pacifier, snacks, breakable objects, etc.). The list of words includes the following:

"Want it"
"Reach it"
"Hold it"
"Touch it"
"Grab it"
"Get it"
"Keep it"

(Did I miss any Nanna?!)

But, when it is time to take an object away from her, there is usually only one word used:
