Monday, August 17, 2009

Hello, World of Digital Scrapbooking

Recently I have been contemplating the move from traditional scrapbooking to its digital cousin. I have only scrapped through Katelynn's tenth month of life, and she is quickly closing in on three years old! It is so difficult to get everything out and free time is so limited these days.

After much research I realized it was actually perfect for me. I can still have beautiful pages printed out at high quality labs should I want a paper copy of my creations. I can work for an hour or two at a time with only an electronic mess left behind. And, it definitely appeals to my perfectionism. Much easier to use the "undo" command than to remove glue from the backs of pictures.

It has been a steep learning curve, and I still have tons of learning to go. However I decided to dive in and at least make a shot at my first lay out. It took forever but I am pleased with the result.
Drum roll, please......


  1. Very cute!!!

    Now you need a seperate digi-srapbook blog! :-)

  2. Very cool! Now I wanna know how you did this! Is it a web site? A program that you buy? Please share!!!
