Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Carnival Night

There is a really nice fair that the Catholic church down the street puts on every year. So, Katelynn had her first carnival experience on Saturday night. (Well - she went a year ago but she just sat in the stroller the whole time. This year she could actually do things.)

After she woke up from her nap, I told her she was going to ride a pony. For the next two hours, she chanted "Pony... pony... pony." When she saw the ponies, her excitement grew. Then, mom had the gall to try to put her on top of one - she was having none of that! She was perfectly happy to walk next to the pony for now.

But, she had no issues with shoving her face within inches of bunnies, chicks, ducks, and pigs. And I had to climb into the bounce house and drag her out screaming when her time was up. She also enjoyed nibbling on her first corn dog. So all in all, it was a good carnival experience for little KK.

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