Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Tale of the Bobble Head

Last year I purchased a custom bobblehead doll for Gene's birthday. I thought he would love it and took a risk, since it was not an inexpensive purchase! He thought that the Dwight bobblehead on the TV show "The Office" was hilarious, so I figured he would enjoy having one of his own. It.... bombed. I don't think that Gene really believed it looked like him, and he also found it somewhat disturbing to have a doll that was supposed to be him.

It has been sitting on our office shelf ever since. But, the debate as to whether it truly resembled him was put to an end recently. Katelynn saw the doll on the shelf, pointed excitedly, and yelled "DADDY!"

Readers, what do you think?!


  1. The bobble head guy has a longer face than Gene's, and a weird head to body ratio. Hold it up to a mirror and see if Gene likes it better. I've heard we like mirror images of ourselves in photos better than in the actual photo. Maybe it was just a joke, but it seems to work.

  2. Notice how the comments have declined since we have to be approved? About half the time I give up because I can't read the screwy letters in the word verification.

  3. The head to body ratio is supposed to be weird on a bobble head. But the face itself is supposed to look just like him. I'm sure the company can't get it 100% right when they are just working from a picture.

  4. Also, the word verification keeps people from posting spam things or links to viruses/spyware. But I guess I can still go delete spam after the fact too as long as I am reading all the comments.

  5. I don't mind the screwy words! This picture made me laugh so hard! Great start to my morning or long meetings and such!

    I agree with KK, it looks like 'daddy'!! :)

  6. Ha! Yeah, I think it looks like him. Where in the world did you get it??

  7. I think it was from or something like that. I just surfed the Net till I found a company that looked good - there are actually several of them out there!

  8. I think this is hilarious!! I think it look like him (close enough anyway). :-)
    It’s so cool how Miss KK is talking so much. We really need to get together so I can hear her first hand!
