Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Mommy Funk

I recently confessed to my friend Kelly that I have been in a little bit of a "mommy funk." KK has been really getting into the tantrum throwing lately, and it can be quite exhausting. I try not to alter my discipline techniques or my responses to her just because I am cringing in anticipation of a possible tantrum, but it is a powerful force and sometimes I do give in!

Kelly said that her kiddo's constant whining was driving her to the brink of a mommy funk as well. A long trip to Central Market while her kids were at pre-school had healed her soul. Well, Thursday I actually did not have to use pre-school time to work and I got a nice break of my own. I worked out at the gym, scrubbed my bathroom, and still had plenty of time to shop for myself. I didn't find much but that wasn't the point. I even got to sit in Corner Bakery and eat a delicious salad in the quiet. It was much needed alone time... and it definitely helped with the mommy funk.

1 comment:

  1. I feel ya. I get in those moods occasionally. It's nice to know others have these issues too!
