Thursday, November 20, 2008


Katelynn continues to amaze me each week with her leaps and bounds in vocabulary and ability to communicate. She suddenly knows how to speak in sentences - at least short ones. I overhear her singing nearly all the words to "Jesus Loves Me", "Jingle Bells", and the ABC song in the car or in her crib.

The other day, her sleeves were rolled up. She looked at me and said, very clearly: "Mommy, uncomfortable." Then last night she told me her pajamas were "cozy".

Having a little communicator is lots of fun!


  1. Even when she's communicating a stream of dislikes, don't wants, and no thank-yous?

  2. I know what you mean! I've really noticed Gavin's vocab expanding too! It's been fun to see a little person's take on the world! So cute!

  3. Mainly I just don't like it if she is throwing a tantrum and so disabled by it that she can't communicate at all. I will take the dislikes as long as she can tell me about them!
