Friday, August 22, 2008

The "Gimmees"

I haven't had time to even think about decorating since the birth of my child. Well, and before that it was my crazy job. I would really love to do a lot of things but there really isn't time or money right now... and I'm not talented enough to do it all on the cheap and pull it off.

Tonight I saw this mirror on the Pottery Barn website and got the "gimmees". (Is this an official term? It's the word we always used growing up when we coveted things and shouldn't.) Too bad it is THREE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS - ridiculous!


  1. Boy do I know what the 'gimmees' are!! haha!

    Growing up, whenever my brother and I saw a commercial of something we wanted we would yell "I Want That!!!",
    over and over until the commercial was over. Somehow we thought that would help in getting it. My poor mother.

  2. That is really cute! Man, if only you had welding skills, you could weld a bunch of iron circles together and glue a mirror in them! (:
