Monday, August 25, 2008

Grooming of a Future Aggie

As a devoted Aggie parent, I have routinely sung the Texas A&M "Spirit of Aggieland" as a lullaby to KK, class of 2029. (Note: I know many of you non-Aggies are now rolling your eyes... snarky comments will not be allowed to be posted! And do you even know the words to your spirit song?!) Recently she has learned to say "Gig 'Em Aggies" - officially pronounced GimumAggees by KK. She is very proud of her ability to recite this phrase - maybe because of all the praise and excitement it invokes from the parents.

I think that learning the word "Aggie" has further sparked her interest in the song. She routinely demands "Aggie Song" and it is not uncommon for me to sing it 3 times before she goes to sleep!

For anyone curious, here are the lyrics:

Some may boast of prowess bold
Of the school they think so grand
But there is a Spirit can ne'er be told
It's the Spirit of Aggieland
We are the Aggies - the Aggies are we
True to each other as Aggies can be
We've got to fight boys, we've got to fight
We've got to fight for Maroon and White
After they've boosted all the rest
Then they will come and join the best
For we are the Aggies, the Aggies are we
We are from Texas A.M.C.

P.S. I am not sure what it says about me that she knows this song better than "Jesus Loves Me." Hmmm.... something to ponder!


  1. So – are you saying that this super cute burnt orange outfit Caedyn got KK for Christmas will go unworn?

  2. Oh my goodness! Comment approval?! You were serious about no snarky comments! Crazy Katie! :-P

  3. I've been meaning to add comment approval for awhile so this was a good time! I don't mind silly jokes but I do get a little offended if people slam A&M too much... I do love my alma mater. :-)

  4. Nanna sings "My father sent me to old Rutgers....."

  5. I thought my husband was the only one to use this as a lullaby...... goes to show you can never underestimate the love of an Aggie for their school! Our daughters had the same reaction as little KK. Cute cute.
