Sunday, December 14, 2008


I don't think I ever really believed my parents when they used to tell me that buying gifts for my brother and me was more fun than getting things for themselves. Now I am a parent... and I get it.

Her birthday gift was an Elmo that does everything. He tells stories, dances, sneezes, asks to be picked up when knocked over, and more. He still has not made an omelet for me though. Darn. Katelynn thinks her Elmo is pretty cool, but not all her friends are so sure. Her buddy Bobby stayed clear on the other side of the room from him and eventually screamed to have him put away.

For Christmas she got a sandbox. Yep, we gave it to her early. After all she is still only two... she doesn't really know or care about the exact date of Christmas. She is in love with her sand box, although she has already found herself in trouble for hurling its contents at the back door.


  1. Yes it is. Gene saw a demo on the internet and pre-ordered it for her three months ago. :-)
