Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Have Patience

When I was in the 3rd grade, I participated in a church musical and still remember this song, sung by Herbert the Snail:

Have patience, have patience
Don't be in such a hurry
When you get impatient
You only start to worry
Remember, remember
That God is patient too
And think of all the times when others
Have to wait for you.

I have been singing it to KK lately because she doesn't want to wait more than five seconds for anything. Fast forward to Tuesday night. KK announced "potty" and actually began to make her way to the bathroom. (This was new! Usually I have to take her practically against her will.) She didn't make it in time and a huge puddle resulted. I began to clean up the mess and Katelynn very appropriately began to sing with glee: "Have patience, have patience...."

Ahhh.... from the mouths of babes!

1 comment:

  1. I know that song too!! I sing it to Charissa at her "I want it now" times. The tape I learned it from was about a snail who used to rush around and push people(or other snails) out of the way. How funny we both the the same patience song!
