Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It's OK

When Katelynn gets upset about irrational things, her Nanna tells her "It's OK, It's OK." This seems to have a calming effect and helps her cope with the many daily difficulties of being two.

We just returned from a family cruise on Saturday. The flight home was uneventful until we entered the very windy DFW area. There was so much wind shear when we landed that the plane began to tilt wildly. We landed with a very heavy thud, and I was happily surprised that one of the wings did not slam into the runway. It was one of the roughest landings I could remember.

I let out a big sigh of relief and remarked to Gene how nervous the landing had made me feel. I had my arms wrapped tightly around Katelynn, who was sitting on my lap. She turned around and looked directly into my eyes and said, very seriously: "It's OK, mommy."


  1. Whew, we didn't get to discuss it, but I thought the engine on our side was going to hit the ground too! I have never been in a landing like that!

  2. That's so sweet! It's surprising the things that they pick up and say at the most appropriate moments.
