Thursday, February 5, 2009

For My Mom

My mom has been lamenting the fact that my blog posts have died off lately. She enjoys reading her daily snippets about the kiddo and her latest antics.

I just haven't felt as creative lately. Maybe it is how Katelynn has changed. She is talking so much lately it is unbelievable - full sentences all the time. She says funny things every day. But she says so many of them, and yaks my ear off so incessantly, that I forget them all by the end of each day. I need to do a better job of jotting them down.

Today I tried to pay better attention to her funnies, and noticed that primarily she is just demanding these days - everything is definitely all about her! Maybe that is another reason I have been out of material... The entire day with her seems to go something like this: "I want to go to Wal-Mart." "I don't want to go to Wal-Mart." "I want milk." "I want a pop-sicle." "I want to watch Caillou on the couch with my pacifier, for a little bit." "I want to watch Snoopy with mommy on the couch." "I don't want to take a nap." "I don't want to get in the cart." And on, and on, and on....

And lots of mini-tantrums when she doesn't get her demand met! This girl is definitely two...


  1. She's about the same as she always was, only now it's in words instead of just whines! She reminds me soooo much of a little girl I once knew, about thirty two years ago.

  2. Oh my – Caedyn isn’t too far behind. Her latest thing (when throwing fits) is to sit down and cry. And she’s so squirmy I’m afraid to pick her up when she’s like that because I’m afraid I’ll drop her!
