Monday, February 9, 2009

Onto the Next TV Addiction

I have noticed something with KK that I believe is common to most toddlers. She develops a deep infatuation for one TV show and wants nothing else for a period of time. Then she suddenly gets very sick of it and we have to find something new to capture her attention.

Recently she has become hooked on Caillou. I have to say that I am pretty pleased with the quality of most of the toddler TV I have encountered thus far. Caillou is a gentle cartoon that I don't mind having on at all, about a cute little four year old boy who loves to explore and imagine. (I haven't figured out why he is bald, but I guess Charlie Brown is bald too. His name is French and can mean "bald head"... but I digress.) The 30 minute show is broken into three 10 minute segments, which is good for a two-year-old. It is narrated by a lovely older woman and I like how she talks about the little guy's feelings: "Caillou was annoyed with Jeremy for stepping on his foot." "Caillou was upset with Gilbert because he didn't listen to him." Of course, he always seems to come around by the end of the episode and figure out why he shouldn't be upset or annoyed anymore.

For some reason Katelynn has also decided that it is fun to lay on top of mommy or daddy and be our "snuggler" while watching this show. We eat up the hugs from our girl, so that works for both of us!


  1. Beats the heck out of Barney!

    If your print gets any smaller, and I'm referring to the part in parentheses, I'll have to get a giant magnifying glass for in front of the computer.

  2. So – how long does each addiction last? Caedyn still loves her Elmo – and not just Sesame Street – we must fast-forward to the Elmo segment (and watch it over and over and over again).

  3. For NaNa –
    Hold down the “control” button and scroll up/down on your mouse (the finger/roller part) to change the size of text. I had to do it too. :-)

  4. Hayden likes Caillou too. Of course, he likes most kids TV shows, so I have to make sure he doesn't sit and watch TV all day! I guess we have the opposite problem. (:

  5. I didn't mind Caillou at first, but then I started noticing a lot MORE whining out of my oldest. Soak in those snuggles!
