Friday, February 13, 2009

Kiddie Music

Pre-Katelynn, I had many pre-conceived notions about parenthood, many of which have been blown away. For example, I did not understand how in the world parents could sit around and talk about their kids non-stop. Now that seems to be the main thing that my girlfriends and I do, and it doesn't bother me in the least!

I also always dreaded the day I would have to listen to "kid music" in the car all the time. That day is here... and it's just as bad as I anticipated.

Don't get me wrong. I thorougly enjoy hearing Katelynn learn new words and sing songs. And I even enjoy the kid CD's for a time - at least the first few times I hear them. But a mommy can only hear
Five Little Ducks for so long before she starts to get a little crazy. And I would say my limit is well under KK's personal limit of approximately 50 times in one car outing.

In all seriousness, thanks to Aunt Doris for the
Raffi CD, as my little girl certainly does love, love, love it. Her favorite songs are "Deo", "Knees Up", and of course "Five Little Ducks." I think it may be time for me to expand the Raffi collection now!

1 comment:

  1. I just read 5 little ducks to Cate and Ava before I put them down to sleep. I did not know if came in the form of a song! I too, know I will get so tired of these as I read and hear them over and over, but for now they are still cute!
