Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Katelynn's "Toddlerality"

In a post long ago, I discussed Katelynn's "babyality". It is time for an update on her "toddlerality."

This weekend I developed some sort of sickness, complete with a lowgrade fever and chills all night long. My mom came to the rescue and has taken my kiddo for a couple of nights. So I actually got a sick day all to myself on Monday. She sent me an email update below, which sums up how KK has acted many-a-day lately:

Katelynn has been very difficult. You were this way, but I was younger. I feel so frustrated not being able to help her be happy. I remember looking back at your early years and thinking that you just so desperately wanted to do things you couldn't do. She is so much the way you were. I'm sure it will get better, and one day she won't want to be held every minute. She'll be too busy.

I know my readers may not believe me, as she looks so happy in all the pictures I post. But of course one is not as inclined to take pictures of irritated and crying toddlers... This little girl is apparently her mommy's daughter. Thank you to my mom for her sacrifice in caring for such a cranky one!

And to my little KK, we love you so much, but also look forward to a time when more of your moments are happy than grouchy!

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