Thursday, May 29, 2008

Already One and a Half!

KK had her 18 month "well check" at the doctor today. She is still hanging around in the 90th percentile for length. Looks like she is taking after her mom so far!

She really took to Dr. K this time. She kept saying "MOI Doctuh" after she left the room. (Moi = More)

However she was not too fond of the nurse who gave her a shot. The BEST THING about this appointment was that she doesn't need any more shots until she is four years old. This made me very happy. I hate seeing her get so upset and it gets worse the older she is. She was pretty excited about having a "booboo" like her Nanna though. (Nanna has a "booboo knee" from her surgery.) Her bandaid disappeared during naptime... I think it may have ended up in her tummy. Ewwww.


  1. Halfway to two from what? Seems to me if you're counting from her birth, she's three quarters of the way to two.
    I hope you find that band aid, in the crib. If she ate it, it might get stuck in there.

  2. Caedyn tries to eat her band-aides too. So gross!
    I was wondering when the whole shot thing was going to end. Yea for no more shots!

    And you’ve been “on your blog” lately! So much so I can’t even keep up with comments. I have been reading though – and you’ve kept us entertained. :-)

  3. That's interesting about the shots. Hayden didn't get any at the 18 month checkup and will get a few (I think) at the 2 year one. I wonder why doctors do it differently?

  4. nannajayceebee, I have fixed the title to correct my inaccuracies. :-) The band aid has still not turned up even after changing the crib sheets.
