Friday, May 9, 2008

Too Much Information about Me

Cheree "tagged" me on her blog with this Q&A, which means I am supposed to answer it now. Kind of like a chain letter, I guess, but without all the warnings of impending doom if I don't do it. Well, I have had "blogger's block" this week, so I might as well use it to get another post up. :-) Cheree, it was WAY too obnoxiously long though so I cut some of the sections!
Now I tag Becky and Jessica.


1. A Cuddler? Yes but Gene is much more so than me.

2. A morning person? YES. My parents might not agree since they get up at 5 am every day. But I am definitely at my best in the morning hours.

3. A perfectionist? Yes, but having a kid has helped me relax my standards a little.

4. An only child? No. "Little" bro Griff is 6'6" and nearly 32 years old now!

5. Catholic? No, Evangelical Christian

6. In your pajamas? Yes, my cami and lounge pants!

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart? No

8. Okay styling other people's hair? Not at all. Not too great at my own either.

9. Left handed? No

10. Addicted to MySpace? No, only have time for one internet addiction and I choose blogging.

11. Shy around the opposite gender? No

12. Bite your nails? No. But I might as well, they break off all the time.

13. Get paranoid at times? Nah.

14. Currently regret something that you have said? Not currently, but definitely in the past.

15. Curse frequently when you get mad? Only in traffic. I try to stick to "idiot" but sometimes slip. But I need to stop even "idiot" now that there are little ears listening!

16. Enjoy country music? Yes, if the radio is on, it's either country, Christian, or talk radio.

17. Enjoy jazz music? It's ok. Not my fave.

18. Enjoy smoothies? Not really. Give me ice cream any day.

19. Enjoy talking on the phone? Yes sometimes... usually my long chats are to catch up with Tanya which I love.

20. Have a lot to learn? More every day.

21. Have a pet? No, not even plants anymore.

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person? Not any more

23. Have all your grandparents? None, for years now. :-(

24. Have at least one sibling? Yeah, I think I covered that earlier!

25. Have been told that you are smart? My whole life. Especially my elementary teachers. :-) Oh that was the day, to be the smartest kid in the class.

26. Have a broken bone? No

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone? Yes, now that we switched to VOIP and it's free. Too cheap to buy it before.


28. Changed a diaper? WAY too many

29. Changed a lot over the past year? A lot of diapers? Or changed in personality? Well I guess it is yes to both because I think that having a kid has changed me.

30. Had friends who have never seen your natural hair color? It was mostly natural during my pregnancy, so most everyone has seen it that way.

31. Had surgery? Nope...unless you count gum surgery.

32. Killed another person? I really can't believe this is a question on this thing.

33. Had your hair cut within the last week? No

34. Had the cops called on you? No


35. Flowers or candy? It's a tie as long as no one spent too much money. (I.e. get the flowers from the grocery store, not the florist!)

36. Grey or black? Black

37. Color or Black and white photos? Both

38. Lust or love? Love

39. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset in Hawaii

40. M&Ms or Skittles? M&Ms, Skittles make my mouth hurt.

41. Staying up late or waking up early? Waking up early.

42. Sun or moon? Am I on the beach? Then the sun. Am I in my car in the middle of the Texas summer? Then the moon.

43. Winter or Fall? Fall.

44. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends? Two best friends

45. Sun or rain? I do love the rain. I think I would be fine if it rained half the year.

46. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? Neither. Only coffee or peppermint for me.

47. Vodka or Jack? Neither. A nice girly frou-frou drink is about all I drink from time to time.


48. What time is it? 8:49 pm.

49. Name? Katie

50. Nickname(s): Katie, Mama

51. Where are you? My house

52. What is your birthdate? January

53. What do you want? Currently, a covered back porch with some comfy chairs. It will be awhile though...

54. Where do you want to live? HAWAII

55. How many kids do you want? 2 or 3

56. What would you want to name a girl? Another name that is really two names in one.

57. What would you want to name a boy? Ty

More . .

58. Nervous Habits: Twirling hair

59. Are you double jointed? No

60. Can you roll your tongue? Yes

61. Can you raise one eyebrow? No, and that's really annoying.

62. Can you cross your eyes? Yes

63. Do you make your bed daily? Yes

64. Which shoe goes on first? Whichever I pick up first.

65. What jewelry do you wear? Wedding ring, aggie ring, watch. That's usually about it these days. Sometimes my really cool blown glass pendant.


  1. Sorry about tagging you. I must have been particularly bored that Friday or something (or – just looking for something to assist in procrastination from work)! Thanks for responding though – it’s kinda fun. :-)

    I hope you had a great Mom’s Day!

  2. good grief!! I'll save this one for next week. I tagged you in a shorter one today before I saw this one on your blog.
