Friday, May 30, 2008

Lost... Yes I'm Lost

So, Gene and I continued to endure the beating that is "Lost" (the TV show that is) with last night's season finale. I found it to be frustrating and confusing. For every one mystery that they resolve on that show, they create at least three new, more complicated mysteries.

I am not sure if any of you have ever visited It is just like Wikipedia, but dedicated solely to this blasted TV show. They boast" "currently 4,106 articles dedicated to ABC's hit TV show". People, that is a little scary. A TV show that can generate that much published information is powerful! And I also must say that while I enjoy doing my own little blog about my own life, it seems a little sad to spend hours of one's life adding material to a website about a TV show. To each his own, though! Admittedly, it is a good resource to help with my confusion. For that I am thankful to those lostpedia bloggers.

I have decided that Lost is like a very bad relationship. I keep thinking "it will change", or "this time it will all come together." And then it's just more of the same. And yet I keep going back for more.


  1. I got Lost after the first season and gave it up. I've never regretted it.

  2. WE've hung in there but missed the finale when our Tivo acted up. Hopefully we'll get to the finale via internet soon.
    I have found myself kind of irritated with it this season myself. I don't like things that go on for so long without resolution! We've skipped weeks at a time and then we'll sit down to watch several in a row when we're in the mood.
    I imagine we'll stick around at least to find the conclusion to this huge convoluted plot!
