Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Barf Protection

This is my invention to keep Katelynn from barfing on her car seat. Well, it isn't really an invention; it's just a towel with a hole in it. It is a huge Deloitte beach towel that I got for free. (Apologies to Deloitte...but did you really have to make the logo so darned HUGE? It's really too embarrassing to use that way anyway!) She thinks it is fun for awhile, but gets irritated when she can't figure out how to get to her arms/hands.

So far she has yet to urp on it. Once again this phase seems to have passed. But at least I will have my towel around now in case it decides to come back again.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm – are you trying to tell us what you really think about Deloitte here? j/k.
    Ms. Katelynn uses her hands to gag herself, right? She doesn’t just do it on her own, does she? Maybe keeping her hands out of her mouth alone will help resolve the issue. I sure hope for your sake that she grows out of it soon (and doesn’t teach my little one). 
