Sunday, March 9, 2008

I Hate Daylight Savings - My Soapbox

Day light savings time is a cruel joke played on parents with small children. I have never liked it, but doing it with a toddler is even worse. Combine that with the fact that there were only about 3 stinkin' months between the time switching now - WHAT IS THE POINT? Politicians, just pick a time and keep it there the whole year!

Last year, Katelynn was about 3 months old so it really didn't matter. She was still trying to figure out the whole sleeping/waking/napping thing anyway. But this year, she is Miss Scheduled. So of course she slept until 8:30 instead of 7:30 (her normal time), and I now have to back up her evening bedtime by 10 to 15 minutes per night until she is re-adjusted.

This is just arbitrary messing with our internal clocks. I can travel 4 time zones away to Hawaii and it doesn't mess with me nearly as much as having the time change just one hour at my own house! Oh but's actually 5 time zones in the summer since Hawaii doesn't do Daylight Savings. They are smart, but doesn't it add to the confusion even more since some states opt out? All the more reason to END THE MADNESS! At least Americans didn't invent it...some crazy British guy did that in 1905. But we have the power to end it!

Here is another website on the subject. It doesn't look very professional but it has a lot of interesting information on it. I also thought their "proposal" was unique and works just fine for me.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! And you crack me up with all of your research on the topic! :-)
