Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Why Expensive Restaurants Are Sometimes Worth It

We ate at a fabulous restaurant while in Maui called David Paul's Lahaina Grill. Gene had meatballs that were apparently packed with diamond chips because they cost something like $40. Gene asked me to see if they would send the recipe. They sent me the recipe and we had a good laugh as a I read off all the ingredients. Here is the list:
-ground pork
-ground veal
-ground beef
-chopped garlic
-demi-glace (huh?)
-fresh basil
-italian parsley
-worchestershire sauce
-tobasco sauce
-ricotta cheese
-asiago cheese
-marscarpone cheese
-dried red chili's
-ground black pepper
-panko flakes (huh?)

That is just the meatballs. The sauce has an equally long list.
Now, I am sure that google could help me understand the mystery ingredients...I was actually feeling a little proud that there were only two I didn't recognize! And with a trip to Central Market I could procure all the items. But I think it would cost me more than $40 just to buy the ingredients!

Still, I may be up for the challenge sometime. It's cheaper than a flight back to Maui.

1 comment:

  1. Those are some pretty fancy meatballs! I’d be a little upset if one ended up rolling off my plate! :-)
