Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Curse of the Pacifier

My favorite reference book was very clear about this subject - NO PACIFIER after 4 months, or you will be stuck with an addiction that requires a lot of work to get rid of! But did I listen? Of course not! (In all fairness, when it is the only thing that gets your kid to fall asleep without screaming, you do what you need to...)

Now I'm at the point where I am pretty sick of dealing with the pacifier. As my reference book promised, I have to make many trips up to her crib in the middle of the night to find one that has been chunked out of the crib and onto the floor. This happens at least a few times a week. It interrupts my sleep for about a half hour when it is all said and done. 5 minutes listening to her fuss on the monitor. 15 minutes to give her the pacifier and rock her. Then 10 minutes, if I'm lucky, to get myself back to dreamland.

My cousin had her little boy mail his off to the "pacifier fairy" which I thought was a great idea, but Katelynn is still a little young to get that concept. Another idea I had was going to the "Build A Bear" store and putting all the pacifiers inside the bear. But, again still a little advanced for a 15 month old. Plus my mom had visions of Katelynn going after the bear with a knife!

She doesn't get it too much during the day anymore and seems to be doing ok with that, but I have the feeling that taking it away at night will result in disaster. Do any fellow parents out there (the two or three of you that actually read this blog, that is) have suggestions - especially if you got rid of it around the 12-18 month mark?

Mommy's favorites to buy. Note the tag - 6-18 months. Only two more months before Miss Katelynn is officially "too old" for these things according to Avent!


  1. For Anna, we got rid of it as an incentive to get to sleep in her "big girl bed" at around age two. We had a talk about how the paci needed to go away and she said goodbye to it as she threw it into the trash one evening. This was after we had limited it for about six months to only in bed. The first night she cried for it for about 15 min, the next for only 5 and then we didn't hear much about it.

    Sarah was much more difficult. She had a big need for oral stimulation. I think we got rid of it around age 2 as well. She would chew them to little nubs. We told her that when all of her pacis were chewed up she wouldn't get anymore. In retrospect we weren't sure it was a good thing because she then went to chewing on her hair, fingers, clothes, etc. It was starting to effect her palate though so I guess it was necessary.

  2. Oh girl! Hannah has the same problem. I put several in her bed so that when she loses one...she just rolls over to find another. We only use it for sleeping. She sometimes doesn't need it for nap...but on bad days....she really does NEED it!

    I think we are going to try to get rid of it with a new bed. I am with you...definitely cursed. Honestly, however, I could NOT imagine not having it this last year....that kid snoooooozes with it. So, I definitely feel your pain!
