Friday, March 14, 2008

Really Cool Parrot

For hours of internet fun, check out the videos Einstein the parrot, plus her blog is pretty funny too. Yes a parrot with a blog. My dad works with the owner.
Apparently taking care of this parrot is equivalent to taking care of a two-year old human. Except, unlike a human, the parrot doesn't "grow up" and get potty trained or go to college, AND the parrot lives 75-80 YEARS! However, she is at least as entertaining as a human toddler, if not more so. And it looks like her owners have lots of fun with her.

1 comment:

  1. That is too funny! And I could waste a lot of time looking at that bird! I’ll have to revisit her once things slow down a bit. A bird might be a good pet after the kids are grown / a good “empty nester” pet maybe? :-)
